Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Technology-Infused Classroom

Fully integrating technology into the classroom promotes learning through understanding, and amalgamates with a student-centered constructivist approach. (Laucho, 2006) However, the professional educator must skillfully employ the available technology for meaningful learning. To me, the technology-infused classroom is an atmosphere that enthralls students by fully integrating technology into lessons and pushes the available technological tools to their creative potential. “…a student centered constructivist technology infused classroom is one where meaningful learning is improved and developed through the use of technology in students’ hands. Once technology is in the hands of a student how does that technology then foster meaningful learning?” (Laucho, 2006, para. 3)

Student users of technology should be able to produce, create, design, explore, analyze, evaluate, and discover. The technology must meet the needs of the user by meeting the student’s learning preferences and style, as well as their individual capacities. When I think of the technology-infused classroom I envision all students having their individual needs and preferences met. Technology has the capacity to reach at-risk students, special education students, mainstream students, and gifted students. Lessons presented on a technological platform can be differentiated to any number of levels. (Barlow & Wetherill, 2005) To accomplish these goals teachers need to teach how to use the technology and teach with the technology, giving students ample time to practice.

Throughout planning the teacher must ask themselves, “Which available technologies can I employ to improve learning for my students? The technology infused classroom is limited only by the ingenuity and creativity of the teacher in charge, as well as the resources available to the district. “Effective use of technology in educational environments and its successful integration increases the productivity of instructional processes.” (Ersti, et al., 2012) Here are some questions that can guide planning in the technology infused classroom:

1. Does the technology that I am using in this lesson plan enhance learning for my students?
2. Are the technologies I am integrating clearly linked to the learning outcomes and the learning environment?
3. Will the use of technology improve the engagement of my students?
4. Does the technology that I am using make learning more fun and meaningful for my students?
5. Are there opportunities to differentiate learning for the students using this technology?
6. How can I reach all of the various learning styles represented in my classroom using this technology?
7. Do I need to make accommodations for any of my students when employing this technology?
8. How will the students become proficient using the technology?

In my mind, the technology-infused classroom is the ideal teaching environment. The teacher would have ample resources to provide for the students. Newest technological advances are increasingly available for classroom usage. Tools are working and accessible to afford students to create in new and ingenuitive ways that foster independent thinking, problem solving, resourcefulness, and imagination. I get excited thinking about a classroom with endless possibilities…the technology-infused classroom! To conclude this video makes some amazing points about how we currently use technology in the classroom and what our goal in creating technology-infused classrooms ideally should be. It is a bit long, but I believe it is worthwhile!

Barlow, C. L., & Wetherill, K. S. (2005). TECHNOLOGY + IMAGINATION = RESULTS. T H E Journal, 33(3), 20-26.

Erişti, S., Kurt, A., & Dindar, M. (2012). Teachers' Views about Effective Use of Technology in Classrooms. Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry, 3(2), 30-41.

Laucho, R. (2006). Infusing Technology into Your Classroom. Retrieved from

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